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Candidate Profile: Samantha Parlato, Mayor

EAST HAVEN, CT —The 2023 municipal election is heating up in East Haven and there are plenty of local races with candidates eager to serve in elected office.

East Haven Patch asked candidates to answer questions about their campaigns and will be publishing candidate profiles as Election Day draws near.

Republican Samantha "Sam" Parlato, 55, of East Haven, is running for the office of Mayor.

Education. I graduated with honors in 2018 from Gateway Community College, with an A.S. in Early Childhood Special Education as well as a teaching certificate. I received my Municipal Officer Certificate from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities in 2022, after completing courses in personal. community, and organizational skills.

What is your occupation? I am an Early Childhood Educator at the Old Stone Church Early Learning Center. I have also worked as a Special Education Paraeducator for the East Haven Board of Education serving the kindergarten through second grade population.

Do you have a family? If so, please tell us about them. I have been married to my husband for 30 years and we share 3 children.

Have you ever held a public office, whether appointive or elective?

I am a District Four Town Council Representative, presently serving my second term. I was elected to the East Haven Board of Education in 2017, where I served as the chair of the Policy Sub-committee. I was elected to the Legislative Town Council in 2019. In 2021, I earned re-election and returned as the sole Republican on the present Town Council. I am a Justice of the Peace serving for more than 20 years.

Now we'd like to ask a few questions about your reasons for running and your general views on politics and government. First, why are you seeking this office? I am the candidate to best represent the diverse interests of East Haven. My involvement in local service and volunteering initiatives with local businesses has granted me firsthand experience in connecting with and supporting all residents. I pride myself in putting people before politics which will allow collaboration and effective solutions to create a more affordable, safe, and prosperous East Haven.

Please complete this statement: The single most pressing issue facing my constituents is ___, and this is what I intend to do about it. Financial Stability. My administration will employ a fresh start, eliminating unnecessary spending and taxes, and form an exemplary team to better serve our town's needs.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post? I have been involved in the community for many years through volunteering, school, and sports. I have seen firsthand through those interactions the needs and wants of our community.

As part of the Chamber of Commerce, I see how Economic Development is a key component that needs strategic planning to be successful.

If you are challenging an incumbent, in what way has the current officeholder failed the community? Fiscal transparency and open communication are a must for a successful relationship between the administration and the residents.

What other issues do you intend to address during your campaign?

Addressing the quality of life issues which include investing in our infrastructure and education, strengthening our economy, crime prevention, and, expanding programs for our youth and seniors.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job? During my term as Chairwoman of the East Haven Chamber of Commerce, I have gained first-hand knowledge of what small businesses need in town. My four years on the Town Council have given me valuable experience in the town's budget process. My term on the Board of Education as well as my employment in the public school system has given me the knowledge of what a Board of Education needs. My overall involvement in our community for the past 25 years has given me the opportunity to showcase my leadership and organizational skills.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you? Do the best you can every day and if you don't know something find the person who does.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions? I am committed to the residents of East Haven and am proud of all the relationships I have formed. I will always put people before politics.



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