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‘East Haven is in Stagnation’, Parlato Posts Her Platform

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Last month, my campaign took a new approach: we surveyed hundreds of East Haven residents in hopes of getting a better understanding of where voters stand on the issue of Tweed New Haven Airport and the future of East Haven. With Election Day around the corner, and a debate this Thursday night at 7:00p.m., I am excited to share the results of our survey and how it has shaped my campaign platform.

Our survey was sent via text message to registered East Haven voters with a supplemental video stating my stance on the airport and encouraging survey participation. Questions ranged from specific airport-related topics, such as extending the runway and constructing a new terminal, to more general questions rating the quality of life and the overall direction of East Haven.

Concerning the airport, 54.5% of respondents voted in favor of extending the runway at Tweed, while 30.6% voted against the extension. Regarding a proposed terminal on Thompson Avenue, about 48% of participants favor a new terminal, while 30% stand in opposition. Additionally, only 45% of respondents were aware that the airport is tax exempt, and when asked to rate if an airport expansion would improve the quality of life on a scale of 1-5 (5, being the best), the average response was 2.8 out of 5.

Considering more general questions, participants rated the top five issues in East Haven in the following order of importance:

1) Taxes

2) Public Safety

3) Education

4) Airport Expansion

5) Infrastructure

Most importantly, on the same scale of 1-5, residents were asked to rate both the current quality of life in East Haven and were asked if they believe our town is either on the right track (score of 5) or going in the wrong direction (score of 1). On average, East Haven residents rate the quality of life at 3.7 out of 5, while also responding that our town’s direction is stagnant at a rating of 3.1 out of 5.

The Takeaway: East Haven is in stagnation. This means that according to residents today, our hometown does not have a defined direction for how to develop, attract new families and businesses, and protect our values as we face frequent crime, expected tax hikes, and suffering schools. While Tweed is a popular topic, we must also recognize that the topics of Taxes, Public Safety, and Education are the issues most important to our residents.

On Taxes: It is time we make East Haven more affordable and attractive for prospective families and businesses. This begins by auditing wasteful spending and having dedicated grant writers secure state funding to put the needs of our community first. Under my administration, money spent will reflect money earned, which means proposing a stable budget to sustain our town financially, without relying primarily on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

On Crime: As a daughter of a Police Officer, I know firsthand how important our law enforcement is especially after stories of shootings, stabbings, theft, and street takeovers hijack local headlines. I am the only candidate who will invest in a unique police-to-parent-to-student outreach program, host quarterly crime updates with residents and business owners, and will finally secure our New Haven border by proposing a new Police Patrol center in Foxon.

On Education: After raising my own children in the East Haven public school system, I am the most prepared to stand with our hardworking teachers and collaborate to put our students first. In our diverse community, I will incorporate multilingual resources so that students of all backgrounds can have a chance to succeed. Finally, I look forward to implementing a student-to-career pipeline that exposes students to a variety of career opportunities to help build our next generation of residents and business owners.

I am running for Mayor of East Haven because I will not settle for stagnation. On Tuesday, November 7th, I encourage you to share my passion for the betterment of our hometown by voting Row “B”, Samantha Parlato for Mayor, and Stacy Gravino for Town Clerk. For my full platform, visit and if you are in need of an Absentee Ballot application or a Lawn Sign, email me today at


Rate the quality of life in East Haven on a scale of 1-5.

o Average Rating = 3.7/5

Are you aware the airport is tax exempt?

o Not Aware = 49.2%

o Very/Somewhat Aware = 45%

Are you in favor of extending the runway at Tweed New Haven Airport?

o In Favor = 54.5%

o Against = 30.6%

o Undecided = 8.3%

Should Tweed airport terminal be moved to the end of Thompson Avenue to increase flights?

o In Favor = 47.9%

o Against = 30.3%

o Undecided = 14.7%

Will the airport expansion make your quality of life better or worse? (Scale 1-5)

o Average Rating = 2.8/5

What are the biggest issues in town in order of importance?

o 1st = Taxes

o 2nd = Safety

o 3rd = Education

o 4th = Airport Expansion

o 5th = Infrastructure

Is the Town going in the right direction or on the wrong track? (Scale 1-5)

o Average Rating = 3.1/5


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